Ska Childcare Centres is proud to call itself part of the Gezonde Kinderopvang (Health-conscious Childcare) programme. But what is Healthy Childcare and why is it important to us?
Gezonde Kinderopvang (Healthy Childcare)
is an initiative of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW). National knowledge and research institutes work together in this initiative, under the coordination of the RIVM/ national Institute for Public Health and the Environment (department for Healthy Living) and the Voedingscentrum (Nutrition Centre). A Healthy Childcare organisation chooses to structurally promote the health and healthy lifestyle of children. If a childcare organisation uses this approach, the organisation may call itself a Gezonde Kinderopvang (Healthy Childcare Centre).
Ska the Healthy Childcare centre
Healthy childcare is a conscious choice of Ska. By healthy childcare we mean healthy food, a healthy upbringing and healthy exercise. Within the framework of our nutritional policy and party/festivity policy we provide healthy food, snacks and treats. In our vegetable gardens we grow part of the healthy food, working together with the children. We include them in what healthy food is and how the food from the garden ends up on their plates. We motivate children to taste and try out as much as possible.
Read all about our Ska Childcare Nutritional Policy here.

Discover, explore and relax
In addition to exercise and outdoor activities in our discovery gardens and sports, we also pay attention to healthy relaxation. Taking time to reflect, do yoga, chill on comfy beanbags or in chill rooms for the (almost) teenagers is also important. We support children in a healthy development. We (stimulate) teach them to do as much as possible on their own. That makes them proud. Proud and independent.
Children experience the world! It’s a beautiful day for a beautiful day. Our mission is to grow in our own way. At Ska we find it important that children grow up healthy by discovering things for themselves. “You never know what you can do, until… you try.”
Read more about healthy food in our Ska-magazine.